IEEEIEEE Consumer Technology Society2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics

GCCE 2021

Demo! Presentations Welcomed

IEEE GCCE 2021 Welcomes Demo! Presentations.

Authors' Advantages

Optional "Impact" score
Each paper will be given an "Impact" score, depending on the demonstration movie submitted optionally.
Excellent Demo! Award
GCCE 2021 offers special Demo! Awards.
Award Chairs and Demo! Chairs will review your Demonstration at the conference and add to your awarding score. Bring your Demo set to impress them!

Submission Procedure

Prepare a 2-page review paper
If you have the link to your video on YouTube, write it down on the last section on the second page (no third page, please).
Upload your video (optional)
Upload your video to YouTube with an attribute of 'Unlisted'
Write the URL on the second page of your review paper (optional)
Create "Demo Movie for Review" section at the end of the last page and simply write the YouTube URL.
Submit your review paper!