Frequently Asked Qestions about Invoices & Receipts
If you have paid by online registration system, you can get the invoices and receipts from the system. Please check the Frequently Asked Questions on Registration Fees page.
GCCE 2024 participants must make registrations through GCCE 2024 Registration System, and pay their registration fees according to their type of registration given below.
Become a Consumer Technology Society Member, and Save your registration fee!
- Becoming a CT Society (IEEE Consumer Technology Society) Member before making the payment can save you money.
- Please see here and take this opportunity to join the CT-Soc now!
Registration System
Please visit GCCE 2024 Registration System powered by Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd.
Registration Categories and Fees are shown below.

Notes on Registration Category
For All IEEE Members: Please register with the same name, e-mail address and personal information as your IEEE membership account, and input your 8-digit IEEE membership number. We will make inquiries to the IEEE (CT Society).
Students (Full-time Students): Please upload copies of your student certificate written in English or both sides of your student ID including your name and affiliation from the registration system.
Additional Paper: This is only for the accepted authors who make at least one registration. If you are the author of two or more accepted papers, you can register the additional paper by selecting this option.
Please note the following:
- The number for additional papers is limited with only ONE for one registration.
- This additional paper fee DOES NOT include any participation expenses for one person.
- This additional paper fee is available only by the Early-bird deadline. In other words, if a single author submits 3 papers, the first and third papers require one registration for each while the second paper requires the additional paper fee.
Family Partner: This is only for family members of Regular or Student registrants. ”Family” ticket holders cannot attend the conference technical program, such as Oral, Poster, and Demo sessions, but can attend the Social Events, including the Keynotes and Award Banquet. These tickets must be purchased for the number of family members attending.